So the good news is that I'm still alive! There have been lot's of little earthquakes lately but really nothing too strong. My companion tells me that in the night there are some more that are happening but I just sleep through them.
I took some pictures of the traditional food that people eat here on the 18th. "Asado" and a drink that's called "Mote con huesillo". The Asado is basically grill done Chilean style. In a grill with coals. SUPER RICO. The Moté con Huesillo is a dried peach that's been soaked over night (preferably two days) and these grain like things called mote.
Today we also went to a park and played "Trompo" with one of our investigators. It's basically like a top but way cooler and way harder. I shot some pictures and a video of it for you guys :)
Spiritual Thought:
The work is progressing here and we're seeing lots of progress in the ward. I read Alma 32 a couple times this week and had some pretty powerful revelation about faith. I really can say now that I KNOW the church is true and that the Book of Mormon is the word of god. No matter what phase of life we're in right now, our faith can still be tested. It's important that we press forward dilligently and keep growing our trust in the Lord. Every day is an opportunity to grow and an opportunity to serve.
I love you all and am so grateful for your prayers!
Elder Walker